Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за курс 9 класса проверяет виды деятельности такие, как грамматика, лексика, чтение, письмо.
Работа состоит из 3-х разделов и двух вариантов.
Раздел 1 (Лексико-грамматический тест), включает: задания А1 и А2, которые предполагают выбор одного правильного ответа из четырех предложенных вариантов по изученным грамматическим темам (причастия 1, 2; страдательный залог), задание А3 — на употребление инфинитива в составе сложного дополнения, задание А4 — на соотнесение лексической единицы и её объяснения; задание А5 – употребление настоящего совершенного или прошедшего совершенного времени в страдательном залоге.
Раздел 2: (Чтение) включает: задание В1 — чтение вопроса и соотнесение его с ответом; задание В2 предполагает проверку уровня сформированности навыков просмотрового чтения и предполагает установить соответствие между содержанием текста и предложениями 1-6.
Раздел 3: (Письмо) предполагает написание короткого письма иностранному другу (от трех до пяти предложений и от трех до пяти вопросов на заданную тему).
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Variant 1
Part A.
А1. Choose the right answer (using the English participles)
1.The stranger’s … face was kind and I smiled back.
c) smile
2. Have you noticed the … kitchen window? I wonder who’s done it.
a) break
А2. Choose the right answer (using the Passive Voice)
1) Television signals … from a central source and are received by home TV sets.
a) is sent
b) are sent
c) were sent
d) was sent
2) We hope that more good films … by young people.
a) will be watched
b) was watched
c) is watched
d) will watched
А3. Complete the sentences. Use to where necessary.
1). I want you … publish Peter’s article in your magazine.
2). Kate doesn’t expect anyone … help her choose her future career.
3). Only few of us noticed Mary … get out of the house quietly and disappear in the dark.
А4. Match these words with their explanations
1) geography a) an invitation to take part in a competition
2) meteorology b) explanation for what has happened
3) reason c) the scientific study of weather
4) challenge d) the lowest part of the an object
5) bottom e) the study of the Earth’s surface regions of the world
А5. Choose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.
1. When we entered the room, the television (has\had) been turned on and my parents were watching
the news.
2.The teacher told us that these problems (have\had) been recently discovered.
3. Alice said that all invitation cards (have\had) been written.
Part B.
B1. Read the questions and match them with the answers.
1. What courses are you taking? a. Several times.
2. What are you going to do to improve your grades in
b. It is connected with the national security.
3. Have you fulfilled your plan? c. To read more books in history.
4. Have you ever been in debt? d. English Literature and History of the Language.
5. Why is this information secret? e. Not exactly.
B2. Read the text. Below the text there are 6 statements. Decide if each sentence is or . If the sentence is true, put a letter , if it is false, put letter . William Shakespeare. Nowadays people seem to read newspapers mostly. Many people are fond of reading detective stories or spy thrillers. I myself prefer books about politics, history. I enjoy reading books by such English writers as Charles Dickens, Walter Scott. My favorite writer is William Shakespeare, one of the outstanding personalities in the world literature. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not farm from London. His father, John Shakespeare, came to Stratford from a village and opened a shop there. He never became a rich man but at one time he was an important official in the city. William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-one. He got married and had three children. At the age of 21 William left Stratford for London to join a company of actors. William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years. In all William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, 2 long poems, a sonnet cycle of 155 small pieces. 1.I prefer reading books about love and adventures. 2.My favourite writer William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not farm from London. 3. His father became a rich man. 4.William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-six. 5. William left Stratford for London to join a company of actors. 6.William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for a lot of years.
Variant 2
Part A.
А1. Choose the right answer
1). At 9 o’clock the … work was lying on my boss’s desk.
c) finished
2) The … leaves soon covered everything in our little garden.
a) fall
А2. Choose the right answer (using the Passive Voice)
1) A lot of TV programmes … to politics nowadays.
a) was devoted
b) is devoted
c) are devoted
d) will devoted
2) More and more people … with the help of television and computer in the future.
a) is taught
b) was taught
c) will be taught
d) were taught
А3. Complete the sentences. Use to where necessary.
1) Suddenly I felt something cold … touch my hand.
2) He’d love his friends … come over and see him in the evening.
3) The whole class heard Jane … recite her favourite poem at the Russian literature lesson
А4. Match these words with their explanations.
1) astronomy a) the highest part of an object
2) mathematics b) different and more than a few
3) top c) the study of the Sun, Moon, planets, stars
4) riddle d) a question that seems impossible or silly,
5) various but sometimes has a clever answer
e) the study of numbers and the structure and measure- ment of shapes
А5.Choose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.
1. Dick remembered that humorous short stories (have\had) been read on the radio by some popular actors.
2. When I came to Novgorod last year, I visited the new library that (has\had) been built there.
3. Very few new species of animals (have\had) been recently discovered.
Part B.
B1. Read the questions and match them with the answers.
1. How long does it take one to get a bachelor’s degree?
a. It’s a caring job.
2. At what age do people retire in Britain? b. Unfortunately, his employer wasn’t honest enough.
3. What is attractive in teaching profession? c. It was impolite to refuse.
4. Why did the young man make up his mind to change his job?
d. Three or four years.
5. Why have you come to the party? e. Women usually at 60 and men at 65.
В2. Read the text. Below the text there are 6 statements. Decide if each sentence is or . If the sentence is true, put a letter , if it is false, put letter . Lev Landau Lev Davidovich Landau was born on January 22, 1908. His name is widely known in the world of science. Lev Landau worked in such fields as low-temperature physics, atomic and nuclear physics, and some others. He was awarded the Nobel prize for Physics. Landau’s parents were science-oriented people. At the age of 13 the boy finished the gymnasium and went to the Baku Technical School. Landau got his first chance to go abroad in 1929. He had short stays n Göttingen and Munich, Germany and went to Copenhagen to work in Niels Bohr’s Institute for Theoretical Physics. Almost all the leading theoretical physicists in the 1920s and 1930s spent some time at this institute. Landau was greatly influenced by Bohr’s example. During his stay in Copenhagen, Lev Landau visited the science laboratories in Cambridge and Zurich before his returning to the Soviet Union in 1937. 1. The Landau’s name isn’t widely known in the world of science. 2. Lev Landau worked in the field of high-temperature physics. 3. His parents weren’t interested in science. 4. In 1929 Lev Landau went abroad. 5. He studied in the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen. 6. Lev Landau returned to the Soviet Union in 1937.
C1. Jane Hunt is your pen friend from New York. Tell her about your friends and your hobbies. Ask three (five)
questions to her about her future study.
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