Экзаменационный (типовой) материал ЕГЭ / Английский / 03-09 задание / 50

3. Bad behaviour towards other people is considered bullying if it

1)  is physically hurtful.
2)  happens more than once.
3)  takes place at school.




4. The only good thing about face-to-face bullying is that it

1) can be noticed and dealt with.
2) is not as harmful as indirect bullying.
3) is less common than other forms of bullying.





5. Which of the following is typical of indirect bullying?
1) Kicking or punching the victim.
2) Saying hurtful things to the victim.
3) Talking behind the victim’s back.




6. Which of the following traits of character is NOT characteristic of cyberbullies?

1) сourage
2) сleverness
3) сruelty



7. According to Bruce, bullies use modern technology to

1) find new victims for bullying.
2) learn about the consequences of bullying.
3) avoid punishment for bullying.




8. Victims of bullying CANNOT be described as

1) confident.
2) quiet.
3) excluded.



9. A victim of bullying may show one of the following signs

1) becoming openly violent.
2) showing lack of appetite.
3) becoming more talkative.



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