Экзаменационный (типовой) материал ЕГЭ / Английский / 11 задание / 55

Secrets of Long Life

          There are places in the world where people live longer than anywhere else. The remote Japanese island of Okinawa is one of these places. While the lifespan in Britain is 77 years for men and 81 for women, Okinawa has a population of about one million, of which 900 are centenarians  — A__________________ in Britain or the USA. So what is their secret of long life?
          "The calendar may say they're 80, but their body says they're 60," says Bradley Willcox, a scientist researching the extraordinary phenomenon. The research has shown hormonal differences between Okinawans and B__________________ but their longevity has been linked to diet. They eat more tofu and soya than any other people in the world and also enjoy a range of different fruit and vegetables, all rich in anti-oxidants. But the most significant thing isn't what they eat but how much. The Okinawans C__________________ known as 'hara hachi bu', which translates as 'eat until you are only 80 % full'.
          Scientists refer to this way of eating as 'caloric restrictions'. No-one knows exactly why it works, but scientists believe it D__________________ that there is the danger of famine. This in turn E__________________ and so may lead to better preservation and slower aging.
          "It's a stark contrast with the cultural habits that drive food consumption in F__________________ " says Mr. Willcox. If we look at high streets and supermarkets in most other countries, you will see that he is right. Restaurants offer all-you-can-eat menus and supersize portions. Supermarkets are full of special offers encouraging us to buy more food than we need.

1.  make it a healthy diet
2.  other parts of the world
3.  four times higher than the average
4.  have a cultural tradition
5.  sends a signal to the body
6.  the rest of the population
7.  makes the body protect itself

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