Экзаменационный (типовой) материал ЕГЭ / Английский / 25-29 задание / 04


25. After school little Peter often went to the public library where his mum worked.
He loved the quiet rooms with __________________ shelves of books.

26. He loved looking at people sitting __________________ in armchairs and reading. He thought he knew the library well. But today he made a turn and was suddenly lost.
27. The further he went, the taller the bookshelves were and the narrower the aisles between them. He tried turning back but couldn’t find the right __________________ .
28. Peter started feeling __________________ when he noticed more dust on the books and less light around him. But he was not scared yet. He became scared when he heard a strange noise coming from a dark corner.
29. But he was also curious. Walking on his tiptoes, Peter came up to the corner and looked under the shelf. He saw something little moving on the __________________ floor. DIRT

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