Экзаменационный (типовой) материал ОГЭ / Английский / 01-04 задание / 55

1. Students can get a temporary ID badge in the

1) main lobby.
2) office.
3) library.

Ответ: ___


2. Brian is

1) younger than 12 years old.
2) exactly 12 years old.
3) older than 12 years old.

Ответ: ___


3. Dylan is going to join the following clubs:

1) basketball and baseball.
2) tennis and soccer.
3) board game and tennis.

Ответ: ___


4. From the dialogue we learn that Louise goes to

1) an aerobics class.
2) a dance class.
3) the gym.

Ответ: ___

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