Экзаменационный (типовой) материал ОГЭ / Английский / 12 задание (24) / 53

1. What is the Neo-Russian style in architecture and how did it first appear?
2. What are some of the most typical characteristics of the Neo-Russian style?
3. When was traditional Russian architecture out of fashion in Russia?
4. In which areas besides architecture was the Neo-Russian style used?
5. Which architects were known for their work in the Neo-Russian style?
6. Are there any Neo-Russian-style buildings now located outside of Russia?
7. Were any buildings in Moscow built in the Neo-Russian style in the late 20th century?


A. Victor Vasnetsov, the painter of “Alyonushka”, lived in Moscow in a traditional Russian ‘terem’. Built in 1894 by peasants from the Vladimir province according to Vasnetsov's design, this house is a perfect example of the Neo-Russian style: it combines the elements of old Russian architecture, such as multiple pointed roofs and carved woodwork, with Art Nouveau features such as asymmetry, curved lines and ceramic tiles.

B. Even though it is located in the centre of Moscow near the Polyanka metro station, the 1st Khvostov Lane does not have many notable buildings. However, there is one building that stands out. It has a richly decorated façade, arches, and a carved tower, that make it look like a historical Neo-Russian mansion from the turn of the 20th century. Surprisingly, it was built in 1997 as a business centre.

C. There are several 16-17th century houses in Moscow called ‘palaty’ – a Russian word related to the English ‘palace’. These are the surviving examples of old Russian architecture built before Peter the Great introduced European styles in art and architecture. Elements of Russian traditional architecture remained out of style for over a century until the emergence of the Neo- Russian style in the mid-19th century.

D. In the late 19th- early 20th century, there was a growing interest in traditional Russian art and architecture in Russia. Artists and architects realized how unique old Russian architecture was. They started using old Russian ornaments in their work but did it in a new way. All of a sudden, new 'terems' began appearing in Moscow! This was the start of the Neo-Russian style which had a strong influence on Russian 20th-century art.


E. The Neo-Russian style had a wide range of applications, including architecture, decorative art, furniture and interior design, book illustrations, and theatre sets. This style also introduced innovative techniques for interpreting ancient ussian imagery, which were reflected in the wooden design of temporary pavilions at exhibitions in Nizhny Novgorod (1896), Paris (1900) and Glasgow (1901).

F. The finest examples of Neo-Russian style architecture were created by representatives of the St. Petersburg school linked to the Academy of Arts (V. Pokrovsky, A. Shchusev, N. Vasiliev) and the Institute of Civil Engineers (A. Aplaksin, S. Krichinsky). The original version of the style took root in Moscow (S. Solovyov, A. Ostrogradsky, N. Kurdyukov). The Old Believers' buildings by I. Bondarenko also show great originality.

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