Экзаменационный (типовой) материал ОГЭ / Английский / 13-19 задание (24) / 80

Cliff Young

         In 1983, the participants of the Melbourne Ultramarathon were surprised when 61-year-old Cliff Young appeared at the start line. At first, everyone thought he had come to watch the race, as he was dressed in work clothes and galoshes. But when Cliff walked up to the registration table, it was clear that he was going to run with everyone else.
         In 1982, he had already tried to run 1,600 km but failed. However, this didn't stop him. He decided to take part in the Melbourne Ultramarathon.
         Some people thought he was a crazy old man; others were afraid that he would die before he reached the finish line. But Cliff proved them all wrong.
         The distance of this marathon was 875 kilometers and was designed to take approximately 5 days from start to finish. Most of the participants were world-class athletes under 30 years old specially trained for this type of competition.
         When Cliff lined up with the other athletes, the TV crew decided to do a short interview with him. They pointed the camera at Cliff and asked:
- Who are you and what are you doing?
- I'm Cliff Young. I’m from a large farm where we raise sheep outside of Melbourne.
- Are you really going to run in this race?
- Yes. I grew up on a farm where we couldn't afford horses or a car. We had 2,000 sheep that grazed on 2,000 acres. Sometimes I had to run after the sheep for two or three days. It wasn't easy, but I always caught them. I believe I can run this race; it is only two more days. Five days. I’ve run sheep for three.
         When the marathon started, Cliff in his galoshes was left far behind. The crowds laughed at him because he didn’t even run correctly.
         Each participant knew that it would take about 5 days to complete the distance and that it required 18 hours of running and 6 hours of sleep each day. Cliff Young had never even heard of any of this. The day after the start everyone was surprised to


find out that he had not slept but continued running all night. However, even without stopping to sleep, Cliff was far behind the others.
         When he reached the town of Albury, Cliff was asked about his tactics for the rest of the race. He replied that he would simply run across the finish line.
         And this was what he did. Each night he got closer to the leaders of the race. And on the last night, he overtook them all. By the morning of the last day, he was well ahead. Not only did Cliff run one of the hardest marathons in the world at the age of 61 without dying on the way, but he won it, breaking the race record by 9 hours and becoming a national hero! Not knowing that competitors were allowed to sleep at night, he kept running almost non-stop, imagining a sheep running away from the flock and trying to catch it.


13. Cliff Young ran the Melbourne Ultramarathon wearing sports clothes.

1) True
2) False
3) Not stated

Ответ: ____

14. Before the Ultramarathon Cliff Young had some experience running long distances.

1)  True
2)  False
3)  Not stated

Ответ: ____

15. The TV crew did not take Cliff Young seriously.

1)  True
2)  False
3)  Not stated

Ответ: ____

16. Already after the first night of running Cliff Young managed to catch up with the other marathon participants.

1)  True
2)  False
3)  Not stated

Ответ: ____

17. The town of Albury marked the middle of the marathon distance.

1)  True
2)  False
3)  Not stated

Ответ: ____

18. While running the marathon Cliff Young did not eat anything.

1)  True
2)  False
3)  Not stated

Ответ: ____

19.Cliff Young won the marathon because he didn’t know its rules.

1)  True
2)  False
3)  Not stated

Ответ: ____

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